Who Can Legally Perform a Marriage Ceremony in Arizona

If you are considering formalizing the wedding on the steps of the courthouse and planning a reception or celebration elsewhere, you may find that the following list of public servants is best suited to your situation. If you hope to cut costs, the justice of the peace will preside over your wedding in court for free, as they will not accept gifts, tokens, or money for their services. However, since you don`t fill out marriage certificates every day, you may find some of the fields confusing at first. We`ve broken down the process of filling out a marriage certificate into easy-to-follow instructions in case you find something confusing along the way. We understand the importance of getting it right, so read on for instructions on how to fill out an Arizona marriage certificate. The law requires county officials in all 55 districts to report to the secretary of state until Sept. 1. October 2001 the name of each person authorized to solemnize marriages since 1960 in order to register them. The Secretary of State must then return the completed register and regular updates to district officials.

Before you start filling out the marriage certificate, you must confirm that it is currently valid. The validity of a marriage certificate is determined by three laws that determine the waiting period, expiration and return of the marriage certificate. If you need further explanation of the meaning of these terms, here is a good explanation. The following information describes the waiting period, expiration, and return for Arizona marriage licenses: Do both people have to report to the county clerk`s office to get the license? Yes, both parties must be present to obtain a marriage certificate. Her only legal responsibility as a marriage officer in Arizona is to sign the couple`s marriage certificate. This is a simple bureaucratic process that is not really different from signing any other type of legal contract. Once received, the marriage certificate is valid throughout the state of Arizona. Ministers must return the marriage certificate and a marriage certificate to the clerk of the district court within 3 months of the marriage. How long is the marriage certificate valid? You have up to one year from the date the marriage certificate is issued to get married. The license expires one year after the date of purchase. «Every person authorized to unite married persons shall keep and keep a register of any marriage contracted by that person in accordance with the forms and instructions prescribed by the National Registrar of Life Statistics …» (Title 19A § 654) – Ministers must give the bride and groom a marriage certificate and also submit a certificate to the clerk of the district court of the district that issued the marriage certificate.

25-127. Issuance of the marriage certificate by a city or municipality; transfer of fees; Processing fees Let`s put it all together. To get married legally in the state of Arizona, here`s a guideline of the steps you can take, from the proposal to the new driver`s license: As a general rule, state laws provide that any recognized member of the clergy (such as a priest, minister, rabbi, imam, cantor, ethical cultural leader, etc.) or judge, A clerk and justices of the peace have the power to marry. However, in some states, even clergy must first be certified or licensed. (d) If a marriage was contracted under a periodically issued license under which a District Executive served before April 24, 1981, the marriage is valid and is hereby declared in full conformity with the laws of that State. In practice, the verification of the validity of the marriage certificate is usually a formality. Most couples apply for their marriage certificate one or two weeks before the ceremony date, in which case the marriage certificate is valid under state law. Once the Arizona marriage license is obtained, the ceremony can take place on any day in the year following the issuance. In other words, the licence is valid from the date of its issue and only expires after one year. However, once the marriage ceremony is over, the couple has only 30 days to return the completed license to the appropriate county clerk`s office to ensure it is legally registered. With its rich Native American history and proximity to Mexico, as well as a large population of Caucasian descent, Arizona offers a wide variety of wedding traditions.

You can choose to honor your ancestors with a ceremony that matches your own customs, or you can pay respectful tribute to the traditions of other cultures. Some of the most common local customs are: What should we do if a judge refuses to contract a same-sex marriage? Some judges in Arizona perform civil marriages as part of their duties. If a judge refuses to perform a civil marriage for a same-sex couple as part of his or her regular duties, he or she would be violating the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct, which requires judges to perform their duties «without bias or prejudice.» If a judge refuses to solemnize a same-sex civil marriage, contact the ACLU of Arizona at (602) 650-1854 or info@acluaz.org and file a complaint with acluaz.org/get-help/file-complaint. A complaint must also be filed with the Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct. – Ministers must obtain a licence from the Ministry of Health before entering into marriage. When will I receive a marriage certificate after applying for a marriage certificate? You will receive your marriage certificate the same day you apply for a licence. Common-law marriage is not recognized in the state of Arizona. Arizona does not allow de facto marriages initiated in the state of Arizona. To have the authority to marry, it is not necessary for the church, synagogue or any other religious congregation headed by the pastor to belong to a denomination or order. Nor is it necessary for the clergy to have received formal sanctioning powers from an administrative council of a denomination or order, or from the church, synagogue or community itself. We hope this better explains the legal basis for which you absolutely have the right to conduct wedding ceremonies in Arizona as an ordained minister online. As long as you are a member of a religious institution that gives you the authority to solemnize marriage, you can leave.

So what are you waiting for? To learn more about preparing for the wedding ceremony, including writing a script for the wedding ceremony, visit the officiant training on the American Marriage Ministries website. Read on to learn more about the official`s legal responsibilities regarding the marriage certificate. To be valid, a marriage must be solemnized by one of the persons named in Section 11 of the New York State Family Relations Act. These include the mayor of a town or village; the clerk of the city or one of the deputy clerks of a city with a population of more than one million; a marriage officer appointed by the municipal or village council or the municipal council of the city; Judges or judges of the following courts: the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the United States District Courts for the North, South, East, or Western Districts of New York, the NYS Court of Appeals, the Appeals Division of the Supreme Court of New York, the Supreme Court of NYS, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a substitute court, the civil and criminal courts of the City of New York (including civil court magistrates) and other registration courts; a village, city or district judge. Can I be discriminated against by my employer if I marry someone of the same sex? Yes. Arizona does not have an anti-discrimination law that covers sexual orientation or gender identity. A private employer can legally discriminate against gay, lesbian or transgender people. However, an order prohibits Arizona state agencies from discriminating in employment based on an employee`s sexual orientation.

In addition, several municipalities in the state have ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on marital status, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. If you are discriminated against by your employer because of your sexual orientation or gender identity, you should consult an attorney and file a complaint with the ACLU of Arizona by calling (602) 650-1854, emailing info@acluaz.org, or online at acluaz.org/get-help/file-complaint.